Welcome to my space.
This is Farhad Foroutanian (Rad) a visual artist.

Love, in its widest sense, is what inspires me to create.
My artworks are instruments that allow me to share my visions and truths with you.
I believe that each one of us has a unique mission in life.
Mine is to Observe, Visualize, and Transmit, and I take extreme pleasure and authenticity in doing so.

After completing my education in Theater and Visual Arts, I began my career as a cartoonist, illustrator, and theater maker.
In 1986, I immigrated from Iran to the Netherlands, where I have since worked for various Dutch and European publishers,
including Rotterdams Dagblad, Vrij Nederland, Vice Versa, Algemene Dagblad, Trouw, IDFA and IRFF festivals,
Stern magazine (Gr), Nebespalter (Sw), La Voce (It), and many more valuable publications.
My visual artworks have been displayed in about 80 solo and group exhibitions worldwide.

My works have received several honors, including the ‘Miglior pittore die 1997’ award in Emilia-Romagna, Italy,
the ‘Best visual work for WK’ award in the Netherlands in 2002,
the ‘Best foreign stage production’ award at the International Universities Theater Festival of Iran in 2009,
and the ‘Best editorial cartoon – jury selection’ award in the Netherlands in 2011.